Monday 13 January 2014

Best Diet For Men Health Tips For Men In Hindi In Urdu Before Marriage Pdf Before Marriage In Urdu Over 50 In Hindi Language In Tamil In Hindi Pdf In Tamil Language

Best Diet For Men Biography

Food is the fossil fuel of human energy. It is an enormous market full of waste, regulation, and biased allocation with serious geo-political implications. And we're deeply dependent on it. In some countries people are dying of obesity, others starvation. In my own life I resented the time, money, and effort the purchase, preparation, consumption, and clean-up of food was consuming. I am pretty young, generally in good health, and remain physically and mentally active. I don't want to lose weight. I want to maintain it and spend less energy getting energy.

I hypothesized that the body doesn't need food itself, merely the chemicals and elements it contains. So, I resolved to embark on an experiment. What if I consumed only the raw ingredients the body uses for energy? Would I be healthier or do we need all the other stuff that's in traditional food? If it does work, what would it feel like to have a perfectly balanced diet? I just want to be in good health and spend as little time and money on food as possible.

I haven't eaten a bite of food in 30 days, and it's changed my life.

There are no meats, fruits, vegetables, or breads here. Besides olive oil for fatty acids and table salt for sodium and chloride nothing is recognizable as food. I researched every substance the body needs to survive, plus a few extras shown to be beneficial, and purchased all of them in nearly raw chemical form from a variety of sources. The section on the ingredients ended up being quite long so I'll save that for a future post. The first morning my kitchen looked more like a chemistry lab than a cookery, but I eventually ended up with an thick, odorless, beige liquid. I call it 'Soylent'. At the time I didn't know if it was going to kill me or give me superpowers. I held my nose and tepidly lifted it to my mouth, expecting an awful taste.

It was delicious! I felt like I'd just had the best breakfast of my life. It tasted like a sweet, succulent, hearty meal in a glass, which is what it is, I suppose. I immediately felt full, yet energized, and started my day. Several hours later I got hungry again. I quickly downed another glass and immediately felt relief. The next day I made another batch and felt even better. My energy level had skyrocketed at this point, I felt like a kid again. But on day 3 I noticed my heart was racing and my energy level was suddenly dropping. Hemoglobin! I think, my heart is having trouble getting enough oxygen to all my organs. I check my formula and realize iron is completely absent. I quickly purchase an iron supplement and add it to the mixture the next day. I have to be more careful not to leave anything out.

On day 4 I noticed how much healthier my skin was. It's long been dry and rough, with splotches and red bumps but now it's soft, smooth and clear. Before I rarely had enough energy to go to the gym, but this day I had plenty so I decided to put the diet to the test. I'd been running off and on for several months, never able to do more than a mile straight, but this day I ran 3.14 miles non-stop. This is an irrational improvement.

My cravings and tastes closely matched with my needs. One day I accidentally put in a tablespoon of salt, rather than a teaspoon. I immediately noticed the mixture tasted unpleasantly salty. When I was deficient of iron I felt a strong craving for red meat. As I started running longer distances I craved more carbohydrates. After a week advertisements for fast food looked repulsive. All I crave is Soylent.

Week 2 was rough since I started experimenting with the proportions, trying to find the optimum amount of everything. When I was off I paid for it dearly, but I soon found just the right mixture.

The rest of the month went smoothly. It quickly became part of my routine and I didn't have to think or worry about it. I was fully expecting to crave traditional food, but I don't as long as I've had my Soylent. Hunger comes from two chemicals triggered by a lack of nutrients, ghrelin and leptin, as well as mechano-sensors in the stomach. If there's something in your stomach and all your nutritional needs are met you won't feel hungry. I feel full after drinking a single glass of Soylent and while the smell of Mexican food from the street used to drive me crazy, now I am unaffected. It's like finding a new partner you really care about. When all your needs are met, you don't have a desire to stray.


I had my blood tested in two ways: complete blood count and chemical panel, and got a lipid panel near the end. This shows stuff like red/white blood cell counts, Na, K, P proportions, and more. The internist had to bill it as "testing for blood-borne diseases". She said a lot of providers do not support preventative care, which I thought was strange. I also monitored my heart rate, and bought a glucose meter to track my blood sugar (I'm not diabetic). I am 6'3" so my BMI was on the upper end of normal at the start. Remember I am not trying to lose weight here.

  Week 0 Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4
Weight (lbs) 204 196 192 188 191
Blood Work report (pdf)     report (pdf)
Max run <1mi 3.5mi 5mi 6mi 7mi
Notes low blood sugar,
is this why I always
elt tired? one belt loop down feel great two belt loops down,
blood work excellent started getting chilly,
added a few pounds
I wasn't able to get a lipid test until week 3 but my triglycerides and cholesterol are certainly low now. I have a family history of heart disease, but my risk is now well below average.

I also got my genome sequenced. Genetically, my body's response to exercise should be typical, along with my response to diet, though on average I should have a slightly higher BMI, consistent with my status before the experiment. My LDL cholesterol is subject to be slightly higher than average, while my HDL levels typical. Though this is only one case, it should be representative of most people since my diet and exercise genetics are typical. Some people can eat all they want and never gain weight, others can't shed pounds no matter how hard they try. The trick is in the genome, though both extremes are uncommon. 23andme is awesome!


I feel like the six million dollar man. My physique has noticeably improved, my skin is clearer, my teeth whiter, my hair thicker and my dandruff gone. My resting heart rate is lower, I haven't felt the least bit sickly, rare for me this time of year. I've had a common skin condition called Keratosis Pilaris since birth. That was gone by day 9. I used to run less than a mile at the gym, now I can run 7. I have more energy than I know what to do with. On day 4 I caught myself balancing on the curb and jumping on and off the sidewalk when crossing the street like I used to do when I was a kid. People gave me strange looks but I just smiled back. Even my scars look better.

My mental performance is also higher. My inbox and to-do list quickly emptied. I 'get' new concepts in my reading faster than before and can read my textbooks twice as long without mental fatigue. I read a book on Number Theory in one sitting, a Differential Geometry book in a weekend, filling up a notebook in the process. Mathematical notation that used to look obtuse is now beautiful. My working memory is noticeably better. I can grasp larger software projects and longer and more complex scientific papers more effectively. My awareness is higher. I find music more enjoyable. I notice beauty and art around me that I never did before. The people around me seem sluggish. There are fewer 'ums' and pauses in my spoken sentences. My reflexes are improved. I walk faster, feel lighter on my feet, spend less time analyzing and performing basic tasks and rely on my phone less for navigation. I sleep better, wake up more refreshed and alert and never feel drowsy during the day. I still drink coffee occasionally, but I no longer need it, which is nice.


I used to spend about 2 hours per day on food. Typically I would cook eggs for breakfast, eat out for lunch, and cook a quesadilla, pasta, or a burger for dinner. For every meal at home I would then have to clean and dry the dishes. This does not include trips to the grocery store. Now I spend about 5 minutes in the evening preparing for the next day, and every meal takes a few seconds. I love order of magnitude improvements, and I certainly don't miss doing dishes. In fact I could get rid of the kitchen entirely, no fridge sucking down power, no constant cleaning or worrying about pests, and more living space. I just need a water source.


Monthly I was spending about $220 on groceries, and another $250 eating out for lunch and the occasional dinner. The average american spends $604/month on food, about half of which is groceries.1,2 As a percentage of income this is actually the lowest of any nation. Kenyans for example spend 45% of their income on food.3 I used to dream of one day being able to afford shopping at Whole Foods, but now it's irrelevant to me. Consuming only Soylent costs me about $50/month, another order of magnitude improvement, and would be cheaper if I didn't need the energy for running every day. At scale the cost would be even lower.

Edit: this was a miscalculation from a mistake in my spreadsheet, at personal scale it actually costs me exactly $154.82/month.

The Quantified Diet

It's wonderful to have full visibility and control over what's going in to my body. Besides making food allergies irrelevant, it's trivial to increase or reduce consumption of a particular substance by a precise amount. I am hopeful diabetics could use this to control their blood sugar. I was able to control mine to within about 5mg/dL by varying carbohydrates and fiber. Starting a more intense workout routine? Increase protein and carbohydrates 20%. Want to lose some weight? Reduce fat consumption by 30% (don't eliminate it entirely!). Blood work shows potassium deficiency? Increase it by the precise amount required. In fact, unless you work on a banana plantation you're probably not getting the recommended amount of potassium (3500mg is 9 bananas), and never have. Ever wonder what it would feel like if you did?

Best Diet For Men Health Tips For Men In Hindi In Urdu Before Marriage Pdf Before Marriage In Urdu Over 50 In Hindi Language In Tamil In Hindi Pdf In Tamil Language  

Health Tips For Men In Hindi In Urdu Before Marriage Pdf Before Marriage In Urdu Over 50 In Hindi Language In Tamil In Hindi Pdf In Tamil Language   

Health Tips For Men In Hindi In Urdu Before Marriage Pdf Before Marriage In Urdu Over 50 In Hindi Language In Tamil In Hindi Pdf In Tamil Language   

Health Tips For Men In Hindi In Urdu Before Marriage Pdf Before Marriage In Urdu Over 50 In Hindi Language In Tamil In Hindi Pdf In Tamil Language   

Health Tips For Men In Hindi In Urdu Before Marriage Pdf Before Marriage In Urdu Over 50 In Hindi Language In Tamil In Hindi Pdf In Tamil Language   

Health Tips For Men In Hindi In Urdu Before Marriage Pdf Before Marriage In Urdu Over 50 In Hindi Language In Tamil In Hindi Pdf In Tamil Language   

Health Tips For Men In Hindi In Urdu Before Marriage Pdf Before Marriage In Urdu Over 50 In Hindi Language In Tamil In Hindi Pdf In Tamil Language   

Health Tips For Men In Hindi In Urdu Before Marriage Pdf Before Marriage In Urdu Over 50 In Hindi Language In Tamil In Hindi Pdf In Tamil Language   

Health Tips For Men In Hindi In Urdu Before Marriage Pdf Before Marriage In Urdu Over 50 In Hindi Language In Tamil In Hindi Pdf In Tamil Language   

Health Tips For Men In Hindi In Urdu Before Marriage Pdf Before Marriage In Urdu Over 50 In Hindi Language In Tamil In Hindi Pdf In Tamil Language   

Health Tips For Men In Hindi In Urdu Before Marriage Pdf Before Marriage In Urdu Over 50 In Hindi Language In Tamil In Hindi Pdf In Tamil Language   

Health Tips For Men In Hindi In Urdu Before Marriage Pdf Before Marriage In Urdu Over 50 In Hindi Language In Tamil In Hindi Pdf In Tamil Language   

Health Tips For Men In Hindi In Urdu Before Marriage Pdf Before Marriage In Urdu Over 50 In Hindi Language In Tamil In Hindi Pdf In Tamil Language   

Health Tips For Men In Hindi In Urdu Before Marriage Pdf Before Marriage In Urdu Over 50 In Hindi Language In Tamil In Hindi Pdf In Tamil Language   

Health Tips For Men In Hindi In Urdu Before Marriage Pdf Before Marriage In Urdu Over 50 In Hindi Language In Tamil In Hindi Pdf In Tamil Language   

Health Tips For Men In Hindi In Urdu Before Marriage Pdf Before Marriage In Urdu Over 50 In Hindi Language In Tamil In Hindi Pdf In Tamil Language   

Health Tips For Men In Hindi In Urdu Before Marriage Pdf Before Marriage In Urdu Over 50 In Hindi Language In Tamil In Hindi Pdf In Tamil Language   

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