Monday 13 January 2014

Healthy Living Tips Health Tips For Men In Hindi In Urdu Before Marriage Pdf Before Marriage In Urdu Over 50 In Hindi Language In Tamil In Hindi Pdf In Tamil Language

Healthy Living Tips Biography

I often get emails from new bloggers who are just starting out. Most of the time they send over their url for me to check out and ask the infamous question – do you have any advice for a new blogger like me?


Yesterday’s lunch

Indeed, I do! I started out just like everyone else, without a clue how blogging worked. I was a dedicated reader of the Self blog, Eat Like Me where an RD, Cristin shared what she ate for breakfast, lunch and dinner. Through the comments I found Kath’s blog. I started reading KERF religiously (i.e. pushing refresh 10 times during my lunch break at work waiting for a new post). Kath opened the doors to the whole community of healthy living/food bloggers out there (the selection was smaller back then), but from that point on, I was hooked! March 2008 I started my own blog. I’ll be the first to admit that it was kind of lame. It was more of a food journal than anything else – with lists of what I ate and what exercises I did, and no photos. I didn’t have any readers or commenters for the first few months.

As I started to engage in the blogging community by commenting on other blogs I began to gain readers but I still wasn’t ready to tell my friends and family (besides Isaac) that I was documenting my food online. People would think I was crazy right? Well as it turns out, people do think your crazy sometimes, but who the heck cares! Others, think it’s awesome and love to read blogs about food, fitness and being healthy. Now I tell anyone and everyone and even have business cards. Telling people about your blog is one of the best ways to spread the word. (WOMM at it’s finest)

So without further ado, here are some of my tips for all the new bloggers. They’re kind of random but useful nonetheless.

Remember that every blog starts somewhere.
Buy your own domain. (i.e. It’s only about $10.00 a year and it makes your blog url shorter and easier to share with others.
I recommend using wordpress. I started out on blogger but ended up switching over to wordpress a few months later. WordPress offers more flexibility and options. Plus, if you ever decide to self-host you’ll already be used to the wordpress interface.
If you use Blogger, you should allow Anyone to comment instead of only allowing registered users. I often times don’t comment on blogger blogs if I can’t just use the name/url option, which is turned off when you choose to allow only registered users.
Find your niche. There are so many blogs out there now! Find what you’re good at or what you like to write about and stick with it. You don’t have to appeal to everyone to have a successful blog!
Post regularly. It doesn’t have to be multiple times a day or even everyday, but fresh content is what keeps readers coming back.
Create pages on Facebook and Twitter for your blog. Social media is a great way to connect with your readers and also promote your recently published blog posts.
If you get an idea from another blog or use their recipe you should always give credit by providing some link love.
So, you’ve made the resolution to start living a healthier lifestyle. Obviously, all you need to do is jog a few miles each day, right?
Healthy living is all about making smart choices for your body, diet, mind and overall well-being. The following tips can help you stay active and grounded to promote your goal of happiness and a healthier lifestyle.

Discover a new hobby.
Outdoor activities are great ways to get regular exercise that’s enjoyable and rewarding. Cold-weather sports are exhilarating hobbies, and the slopes are open until March or April. Other uplifting physical activities with hobby potential are biking, running, rock climbing, horseback riding, dance and martial arts.

Try something new at the farmers market.
Don’t get stuck in a rut by eating the same boring veggies; locate the nearest farmers market for fresh, seasonal produce. Try a new vegetable each week to up your intake and keep you interested. Unique veggies like kale, bok choy and butternut squash are high in fiber and antioxidants.

Trust your mom, don’t neglect breakfast.
Morning preferences vary, but it’s important for everyone to get an energy boost to face the day — and breakfast is a great way to do this. You should wake up early enough to enjoy a meal, and if time is of the essence, rely on nutritious cereals or oatmeal. Malt-O-Meal is a nutrient-rich cereal line with hot and cold varieties. To see the health benefits of each cereal choice, visit

For afternoon tea time: go red.
Red tea is the hot new health drink. Green tea and black tea are full of disease-preventive antioxidants, but they’re also caffeinated. Red tea, or rooibos tea, has the same advantage of antioxidants without the consequences of caffeine. Plus, it’s recommended to help with anxiety, tension, allergies and digestive issues.

Unwind with a daily stretch.
Whether it’s in between tasks at work or after your commute home, stretching your muscles increases blood circulation, improves posture and induces relaxation. Consult yoga or pilates instruction for a new stretch each day to build up your repertoire and make it a daily habit. You’ll notice long-term benefits like increased range of motion and less back pain.
This could be your body trying to speak to you, telling you that you are out of balance or deficient in certain vitamins and minerals. It can be as simple as an imbalance in your protein, carbohydrate and fats ratio, which can be easily fixed by tweaking your meals, or it could be a deficiency in the essential vitamins and minerals the body need to function normally. If these deficiencies go untreated they can cause serious health issues.

Food cravings: what do they mean?

Sweets and sugar - Chromium, Carbon, Phosphorus, Sulfur, Tryptophan. That is a pretty serious list, so if you are constantly craving sweets and sugar it can be caused by a few things.

1) If you are between meals and starting to run out of energy the body will crave sugar to give it a quick energy boost, but these boosts aren’t long lasting and the craving will soon come back. Opt for a high protein snack like a boiled egg, half a handful of raw nuts, a can of tuna with 1/2 avocado or tbs of extra virgin olive oil. These are all rich in healthy fats.

2) You could be micronutrient deficient in essential minerals, so add more leafy greens to your diet and increase your protein intake, while cutting out refined carbohydrates and sugars. You can't kill a sugar dragon you have to starve him.

Chocolate - Most cravings for chocolate can mean a deficiency in Magnesium. An easy way to fix this is by having a handful of raw unsalted nuts and seeds with breakfast. If these cravings come late at night try supplementing with magnesium, 1 to 2 capsules with dinner. Other side effects of magnesium deficiency is cramping mainly in the calves.

Fatty / oily foods and soft drinks - Calcium, now don’t go running for the milk, instead try vegetables as they are rich in calcium and many other essential vitamins and minerals, such as broccoli, baby spinach, kale. Other visual side effects of calcium deficiency can be brittle nails and vertical ridging in your nails.

Bread and toast - depleted in Nitrogen. Healthier option, increase your daily protein intake with red meats and fish.

General overeating - Normally comes from not providing your body with enough nutrients. If after a big meal you are still craving something more, this is a key indictor that the food is nutrient lacking, therefore the body is still after those essential micronutrients. Cut out the nutrient lacking foods and replace them with nutrient dense foods. More meats, vegetables, some nuts, seeds and fruit, little starch, no sugars, breads, rice, pasta or anything processed.

Even if you have changed your eating habits to a cleaner, healthier way you can still get food cravings, these are mainly because you are not absorbing all the nutrients from your food and your gut health is the issue. The gut is you first line of defense again illness and also where the body absorbs all of the nutrients from the food we consume. If your gut health is poor then your immune system is compromised and you are more likely to get sick and be less likely to absorb all the nutrients your bodies need.

Healthy Living Tips Health Tips For Men In Hindi In Urdu Before Marriage Pdf Before Marriage In Urdu Over 50 In Hindi Language In Tamil In Hindi Pdf In Tamil Language 

Healthy Living Tips Health Tips For Men In Hindi In Urdu Before Marriage Pdf Before Marriage In Urdu Over 50 In Hindi Language In Tamil In Hindi Pdf In Tamil Language 

Healthy Living Tips Health Tips For Men In Hindi In Urdu Before Marriage Pdf Before Marriage In Urdu Over 50 In Hindi Language In Tamil In Hindi Pdf In Tamil Language 

Healthy Living Tips Health Tips For Men In Hindi In Urdu Before Marriage Pdf Before Marriage In Urdu Over 50 In Hindi Language In Tamil In Hindi Pdf In Tamil Language 

Healthy Living Tips Health Tips For Men In Hindi In Urdu Before Marriage Pdf Before Marriage In Urdu Over 50 In Hindi Language In Tamil In Hindi Pdf In Tamil Language 

Healthy Living Tips Health Tips For Men In Hindi In Urdu Before Marriage Pdf Before Marriage In Urdu Over 50 In Hindi Language In Tamil In Hindi Pdf In Tamil Language 

Healthy Living Tips Health Tips For Men In Hindi In Urdu Before Marriage Pdf Before Marriage In Urdu Over 50 In Hindi Language In Tamil In Hindi Pdf In Tamil Language 

Healthy Living Tips Health Tips For Men In Hindi In Urdu Before Marriage Pdf Before Marriage In Urdu Over 50 In Hindi Language In Tamil In Hindi Pdf In Tamil Language 

Healthy Living Tips Health Tips For Men In Hindi In Urdu Before Marriage Pdf Before Marriage In Urdu Over 50 In Hindi Language In Tamil In Hindi Pdf In Tamil Language 

Healthy Living Tips Health Tips For Men In Hindi In Urdu Before Marriage Pdf Before Marriage In Urdu Over 50 In Hindi Language In Tamil In Hindi Pdf In Tamil Language 

Healthy Living Tips Health Tips For Men In Hindi In Urdu Before Marriage Pdf Before Marriage In Urdu Over 50 In Hindi Language In Tamil In Hindi Pdf In Tamil Language 

Healthy Living Tips Health Tips For Men In Hindi In Urdu Before Marriage Pdf Before Marriage In Urdu Over 50 In Hindi Language In Tamil In Hindi Pdf In Tamil Language 

Healthy Living Tips Health Tips For Men In Hindi In Urdu Before Marriage Pdf Before Marriage In Urdu Over 50 In Hindi Language In Tamil In Hindi Pdf In Tamil Language 

Healthy Living Tips Health Tips For Men In Hindi In Urdu Before Marriage Pdf Before Marriage In Urdu Over 50 In Hindi Language In Tamil In Hindi Pdf In Tamil Language 

Healthy Living Tips Health Tips For Men In Hindi In Urdu Before Marriage Pdf Before Marriage In Urdu Over 50 In Hindi Language In Tamil In Hindi Pdf In Tamil Language 

Healthy Living Tips Health Tips For Men In Hindi In Urdu Before Marriage Pdf Before Marriage In Urdu Over 50 In Hindi Language In Tamil In Hindi Pdf In Tamil Language 

Healthy Living Tips Health Tips For Men In Hindi In Urdu Before Marriage Pdf Before Marriage In Urdu Over 50 In Hindi Language In Tamil In Hindi Pdf In Tamil Language 

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